var Swiper = function (selector, params) { /*========================= A little bit dirty but required part for IE8 and old FF support ===========================*/ if (document.body.__defineGetter__) { if (HTMLElement) { var element = HTMLElement.prototype; if (element.__defineGetter__) { element.__defineGetter__("outerHTML", function () { return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(this); } ); } } } if (!window.getComputedStyle) { window.getComputedStyle = function (el, pseudo) { this.el = el; this.getPropertyValue = function (prop) { var re = /(\-([a-z]){1})/g; if (prop === 'float') prop = 'styleFloat'; if (re.test(prop)) { prop = prop.replace(re, function () { return arguments[2].toUpperCase(); }); } return el.currentStyle[prop] ? el.currentStyle[prop] : null; } return this; } } if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj, start) { for (var i = (start || 0), j = this.length; i < j; i++) { if (this[i] === obj) { return i; } } return -1; } } if (!document.querySelectorAll) { if (!window.jQuery) return; } function $$(selector, context) { if (document.querySelectorAll) return (context || document).querySelectorAll(selector); else return jQuery(selector, context); } /*========================= Check for correct selector ===========================*/ if(typeof selector === 'undefined') return; if(!(selector.nodeType)){ if ($$(selector).length === 0) return; } /*========================= _this ===========================*/ var _this = this; /*========================= Default Flags and vars ===========================*/ _this.touches = { start:0, startX:0, startY:0, current:0, currentX:0, currentY:0, diff:0, abs:0 }; _this.positions = { start:0, abs:0, diff:0, current:0 }; _this.times = { start:0, end:0 }; = (new Date()).getTime(); _this.container = (selector.nodeType) ? selector : $$(selector)[0]; _this.isTouched = false; _this.isMoved = false; _this.activeIndex = 0; _this.centerIndex = 0; _this.activeLoaderIndex = 0; _this.activeLoopIndex = 0; _this.previousIndex = null; _this.velocity = 0; _this.snapGrid = []; _this.slidesGrid = []; _this.imagesToLoad = []; _this.imagesLoaded = 0; _this.wrapperLeft=0; _this.wrapperRight=0; _this.wrapperTop=0; _this.wrapperBottom=0; _this.isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('android')>=0; var wrapper, slideSize, wrapperSize, direction, isScrolling, containerSize; /*========================= Default Parameters ===========================*/ var defaults = { eventTarget: 'wrapper', // or 'container' mode : 'horizontal', // or 'vertical' touchRatio : 1, speed : 300, freeMode : false, freeModeFluid : false, momentumRatio: 1, momentumBounce: true, momentumBounceRatio: 1, slidesPerView : 1, slidesPerGroup : 1, simulateTouch : true, followFinger : true, shortSwipes : true, longSwipesRatio: 0.5, moveStartThreshold:false, onlyExternal : false, createPagination : true, pagination : false, paginationElement: 'span', paginationClickable: false, paginationAsRange: true, resistance : true, // or false or 100% scrollContainer : false, preventLinks : true, preventLinksPropagation: false, noSwiping : false, // or class noSwipingClass : 'swiper-no-swiping', //:) initialSlide: 0, keyboardControl: false, mousewheelControl : false, mousewheelControlForceToAxis : false, useCSS3Transforms : true, // Autoplay autoplay: false, autoplayDisableOnInteraction: true, autoplayStopOnLast: false, //Loop mode loop:false, loopAdditionalSlides:0, //Auto Height calculateHeight: false, cssWidthAndHeight: false, //Images Preloader updateOnImagesReady : true, //Form elements releaseFormElements : true, //Watch for active slide, useful when use effects on different slide states watchActiveIndex: false, //Slides Visibility Fit visibilityFullFit : false, //Slides Offset offsetPxBefore : 0, offsetPxAfter : 0, offsetSlidesBefore : 0, offsetSlidesAfter : 0, centeredSlides: false, //Queue callbacks queueStartCallbacks : false, queueEndCallbacks : false, //Auto Resize autoResize : true, resizeReInit : false, //DOMAnimation DOMAnimation : true, //Slides Loader loader: { slides:[], //array with slides slidesHTMLType:'inner', // or 'outer' surroundGroups: 1, //keep preloaded slides groups around view logic: 'reload', //or 'change' loadAllSlides: false }, //Namespace slideElement : 'div', slideClass : 'swiper-slide', slideActiveClass : 'swiper-slide-active', slideVisibleClass : 'swiper-slide-visible', slideDuplicateClass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate', wrapperClass : 'swiper-wrapper', paginationElementClass: 'swiper-pagination-switch', paginationActiveClass : 'swiper-active-switch', paginationVisibleClass : 'swiper-visible-switch' } params = params || {}; for (var prop in defaults) { if (prop in params && typeof params[prop]==='object') { for (var subProp in defaults[prop]) { if (! (subProp in params[prop])) { params[prop][subProp] = defaults[prop][subProp]; } } } else if (! (prop in params)) { params[prop] = defaults[prop] } } _this.params = params; if (params.scrollContainer) { params.freeMode = true; params.freeModeFluid = true; } if (params.loop) { params.resistance = '100%'; } var isH = params.mode==='horizontal'; /*========================= Define Touch Events ===========================*/ var desktopEvents = ['mousedown','mousemove', 'mouseup']; if (_this.browser.ie10) desktopEvents = ['MSPointerDown', 'MSPointerMove', 'MSPointerUp']; if (_this.browser.ie11) desktopEvents = ['pointerdown', 'pointermove', 'pointerup']; _this.touchEvents = { touchStart : || !params.simulateTouch ? 'touchstart' : desktopEvents[0], touchMove : || !params.simulateTouch ? 'touchmove' : desktopEvents[1], touchEnd : || !params.simulateTouch ? 'touchend' : desktopEvents[2] }; /*========================= Wrapper ===========================*/ for (var i = _this.container.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (_this.container.childNodes[i].className) { var _wrapperClasses = _this.container.childNodes[i].className.split(' ') for (var j = 0; j < _wrapperClasses.length; j++) { if (_wrapperClasses[j]===params.wrapperClass) { wrapper = _this.container.childNodes[i]; } }; } }; _this.wrapper = wrapper; /*========================= Slide API ===========================*/ _this._extendSwiperSlide = function (el) { el.append = function () { if (params.loop) { el.insertAfter(_this.slides.length-_this.loopedSlides); } else { _this.wrapper.appendChild(el); _this.reInit(); } return el; } el.prepend = function () { if (params.loop) { _this.wrapper.insertBefore(el, _this.slides[_this.loopedSlides]); _this.removeLoopedSlides(); _this.calcSlides(); _this.createLoop(); } else { _this.wrapper.insertBefore(el, _this.wrapper.firstChild); } _this.reInit(); return el; } el.insertAfter = function (index) { if(typeof index === 'undefined') return false; var beforeSlide; if (params.loop) { beforeSlide = _this.slides[index + 1 + _this.loopedSlides]; if (beforeSlide) { _this.wrapper.insertBefore(el, beforeSlide); } else { _this.wrapper.appendChild(el); } _this.removeLoopedSlides(); _this.calcSlides(); _this.createLoop(); } else { beforeSlide = _this.slides[index + 1]; _this.wrapper.insertBefore(el, beforeSlide) } _this.reInit(); return el; } el.clone = function () { return _this._extendSwiperSlide(el.cloneNode(true)) } el.remove = function () { _this.wrapper.removeChild(el); _this.reInit(); } el.html = function (html) { if (typeof html === 'undefined') { return el.innerHTML; } else { el.innerHTML = html; return el; } } el.index = function () { var index; for (var i = _this.slides.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(el === _this.slides[i]) index = i; } return index; } el.isActive = function () { if (el.index() === _this.activeIndex) return true; else return false; } if (!el.swiperSlideDataStorage) el.swiperSlideDataStorage={}; el.getData = function (name) { return el.swiperSlideDataStorage[name]; } el.setData = function (name, value) { el.swiperSlideDataStorage[name] = value; return el; } = function (name, value) { if (!value) { return el.getAttribute('data-'+name); } else { el.setAttribute('data-'+name,value); return el; } } el.getWidth = function (outer) { return _this.h.getWidth(el, outer); } el.getHeight = function (outer) { return _this.h.getHeight(el, outer); } el.getOffset = function() { return _this.h.getOffset(el); } return el; } //Calculate information about number of slides _this.calcSlides = function (forceCalcSlides) { var oldNumber = _this.slides ? _this.slides.length : false; _this.slides = []; _this.displaySlides = []; for (var i = 0; i < _this.wrapper.childNodes.length; i++) { if (_this.wrapper.childNodes[i].className) { var _className = _this.wrapper.childNodes[i].className; var _slideClasses = _className.split(' '); for (var j = 0; j < _slideClasses.length; j++) { if(_slideClasses[j]===params.slideClass) { _this.slides.push(_this.wrapper.childNodes[i]); } } } } for (i = _this.slides.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _this._extendSwiperSlide(_this.slides[i]); } if (oldNumber===false) return; if(oldNumber!==_this.slides.length || forceCalcSlides) { // Number of slides has been changed removeSlideEvents(); addSlideEvents(); _this.updateActiveSlide(); if (_this.params.pagination) _this.createPagination(); _this.callPlugins('numberOfSlidesChanged'); } } //Create Slide _this.createSlide = function (html, slideClassList, el) { var slideClassList = slideClassList || _this.params.slideClass; var el = el||params.slideElement; var newSlide = document.createElement(el); newSlide.innerHTML = html||''; newSlide.className = slideClassList; return _this._extendSwiperSlide(newSlide); } //Append Slide _this.appendSlide = function (html, slideClassList, el) { if (!html) return; if (html.nodeType) { return _this._extendSwiperSlide(html).append() } else { return _this.createSlide(html, slideClassList, el).append() } } _this.prependSlide = function (html, slideClassList, el) { if (!html) return; if (html.nodeType) { return _this._extendSwiperSlide(html).prepend() } else { return _this.createSlide(html, slideClassList, el).prepend() } } _this.insertSlideAfter = function (index, html, slideClassList, el) { if (typeof index === 'undefined') return false; if (html.nodeType) { return _this._extendSwiperSlide(html).insertAfter(index); } else { return _this.createSlide(html, slideClassList, el).insertAfter(index); } } _this.removeSlide = function (index) { if (_this.slides[index]) { if (params.loop) { if (!_this.slides[index+_this.loopedSlides]) return false; _this.slides[index+_this.loopedSlides].remove(); _this.removeLoopedSlides(); _this.calcSlides(); _this.createLoop(); } else _this.slides[index].remove(); return true; } else return false; } _this.removeLastSlide = function () { if (_this.slides.length>0) { if (params.loop) { _this.slides[_this.slides.length - 1 - _this.loopedSlides].remove(); _this.removeLoopedSlides(); _this.calcSlides(); _this.createLoop(); } else _this.slides[ (_this.slides.length-1) ].remove(); return true; } else { return false; } } _this.removeAllSlides = function () { for (var i = _this.slides.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _this.slides[i].remove() } } _this.getSlide = function (index) { return _this.slides[index] } _this.getLastSlide = function () { return _this.slides[ _this.slides.length-1 ] } _this.getFirstSlide = function () { return _this.slides[0] } //Currently Active Slide _this.activeSlide = function () { return _this.slides[_this.activeIndex] } /*========================= Wrapper for Callbacks : Allows additive callbacks via function arrays ===========================*/ _this.fireCallback = function() { var callback = arguments[0]; if( callback ) === '[object Array]' ) { for (var i = 0; i < callback.length; i++) { if (typeof callback[i] === 'function') { callback[i](arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]) } } } else if ( callback ) === '[object String]') { if (params['on'+callback]) _this.fireCallback(params['on'+callback]); } else { callback(arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]); } } function isArray (obj) { "use strict"; if (Object.prototype.toString.apply( obj ) === '[object Array]') return true; return false; } /** * Allows user to add callbacks, rather than replace them * @param callback * @param func * @return {*} */ _this.addCallback = function (callback, func) { "use strict"; var _this = this, tempFunc; if (_this.params['on' + callback]) { if (isArray(this.params['on' + callback])) { return this.params['on' + callback].push(func); } else if (typeof this.params['on' + callback] === 'function') { tempFunc = this.params['on' + callback]; this.params['on' + callback] = []; this.params['on' + callback].push(tempFunc); return this.params['on' + callback].push(func); } } else { this.params['on' + callback] = []; return this.params['on' + callback].push(func); } } _this.removeCallbacks = function (callback) { if (_this.params['on' + callback]) { return _this.params['on' + callback] = null; } } /*========================= Plugins API ===========================*/ var _plugins = []; for (var plugin in _this.plugins) { if (params[plugin]) { var p = _this.plugins[plugin](_this, params[plugin]); if (p) _plugins.push( p ); } } _this.callPlugins = function(method, args) { if (!args) args = {} for (var i=0; i<_plugins.length; i++) { if (method in _plugins[i]) { _plugins[i][method](args); } } } /*========================= Windows Phone 8 Fix ===========================*/ if ( (_this.browser.ie10 || _this.browser.ie11) && !params.onlyExternal) { _this.wrapper.classList.add('swiper-wp8-' + (isH ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical')); } /*========================= Free Mode Class ===========================*/ if (params.freeMode) { _this.container.className+=' swiper-free-mode'; } /*================================================== Init/Re-init/Resize Fix ====================================================*/ _this.initialized = false; _this.init = function(force, forceCalcSlides) { var _width = _this.h.getWidth(_this.container); var _height = _this.h.getHeight(_this.container); if (_width===_this.width && _height===_this.height && !force) return; _this.width = _width; _this.height = _height; containerSize = isH ? _width : _height; var wrapper = _this.wrapper; if (force) { _this.calcSlides(forceCalcSlides); } if (params.slidesPerView==='auto') { //Auto mode var slidesWidth = 0; var slidesHeight = 0; //Unset Styles if (params.slidesOffset>0) { = ''; = ''; = ''; = ''; } = ''; = ''; if (params.offsetPxBefore>0) { if (isH) _this.wrapperLeft = params.offsetPxBefore; else _this.wrapperTop = params.offsetPxBefore; } if (params.offsetPxAfter>0) { if (isH) _this.wrapperRight = params.offsetPxAfter; else _this.wrapperBottom = params.offsetPxAfter; } if (params.centeredSlides) { if (isH) { _this.wrapperLeft = (containerSize - this.slides[0].getWidth(true) )/2; _this.wrapperRight = (containerSize - _this.slides[ _this.slides.length-1 ].getWidth(true))/2; } else { _this.wrapperTop = (containerSize - _this.slides[0].getHeight(true))/2; _this.wrapperBottom = (containerSize - _this.slides[ _this.slides.length-1 ].getHeight(true))/2; } } if (isH) { if (_this.wrapperLeft>=0) = _this.wrapperLeft+'px'; if (_this.wrapperRight>=0) = _this.wrapperRight+'px'; } else { if (_this.wrapperTop>=0) = _this.wrapperTop+'px'; if (_this.wrapperBottom>=0) = _this.wrapperBottom+'px'; } var slideLeft = 0; var centeredSlideLeft=0; _this.snapGrid = []; _this.slidesGrid = []; var slideMaxHeight = 0; for(var i = 0; i<_this.slides.length; i++) { var slideWidth = _this.slides[i].getWidth(true); var slideHeight = _this.slides[i].getHeight(true); if (params.calculateHeight) { slideMaxHeight = Math.max(slideMaxHeight, slideHeight) } var _slideSize = isH ? slideWidth : slideHeight; if (params.centeredSlides) { var nextSlideWidth = i === _this.slides.length-1 ? 0 : _this.slides[i+1].getWidth(true); var nextSlideHeight = i === _this.slides.length-1 ? 0 : _this.slides[i+1].getHeight(true); var nextSlideSize = isH ? nextSlideWidth : nextSlideHeight; if (_slideSize>containerSize) { for (var j=0; j<=Math.floor(_slideSize/(containerSize+_this.wrapperLeft)); j++) { if (j === 0) _this.snapGrid.push(slideLeft+_this.wrapperLeft); else _this.snapGrid.push(slideLeft+_this.wrapperLeft+containerSize*j); } _this.slidesGrid.push(slideLeft+_this.wrapperLeft); } else { _this.snapGrid.push(centeredSlideLeft); _this.slidesGrid.push(centeredSlideLeft); } centeredSlideLeft += _slideSize/2 + nextSlideSize/2; } else { if (_slideSize>containerSize) { for (var j=0; j<=Math.floor(_slideSize/containerSize); j++) { _this.snapGrid.push(slideLeft+containerSize*j); } } else { _this.snapGrid.push(slideLeft); } _this.slidesGrid.push(slideLeft); } slideLeft += _slideSize; slidesWidth += slideWidth; slidesHeight += slideHeight; } if (params.calculateHeight) _this.height = slideMaxHeight; if(isH) { wrapperSize = slidesWidth + _this.wrapperRight + _this.wrapperLeft; = (slidesWidth)+'px'; = (_this.height)+'px'; } else { wrapperSize = slidesHeight + _this.wrapperTop + _this.wrapperBottom; = (_this.width)+'px'; = (slidesHeight)+'px'; } } else if (params.scrollContainer) { //Scroll Container = ''; = ''; var wrapperWidth = _this.slides[0].getWidth(true); var wrapperHeight = _this.slides[0].getHeight(true); wrapperSize = isH ? wrapperWidth : wrapperHeight; = wrapperWidth+'px'; = wrapperHeight+'px'; slideSize = isH ? wrapperWidth : wrapperHeight; } else { //For usual slides if (params.calculateHeight) { var slideMaxHeight = 0; var wrapperHeight = 0; //ResetWrapperSize if (!isH) '';''; for (var i=0; i<_this.slides.length; i++) { //ResetSlideSize _this.slides[i].style.height=''; slideMaxHeight = Math.max( _this.slides[i].getHeight(true), slideMaxHeight ); if (!isH) wrapperHeight+=_this.slides[i].getHeight(true); } var slideHeight = slideMaxHeight; _this.height = slideHeight; if (isH) wrapperHeight = slideHeight; else containerSize = slideHeight, containerSize+'px'; } else { var slideHeight = isH ? _this.height : _this.height/params.slidesPerView; var wrapperHeight = isH ? _this.height : _this.slides.length*slideHeight; } var slideWidth = isH ? _this.width/params.slidesPerView : _this.width; var wrapperWidth = isH ? _this.slides.length*slideWidth : _this.width; slideSize = isH ? slideWidth : slideHeight; if (params.offsetSlidesBefore>0) { if (isH) _this.wrapperLeft = slideSize*params.offsetSlidesBefore; else _this.wrapperTop = slideSize*params.offsetSlidesBefore; } if (params.offsetSlidesAfter>0) { if (isH) _this.wrapperRight = slideSize*params.offsetSlidesAfter; else _this.wrapperBottom = slideSize*params.offsetSlidesAfter; } if (params.offsetPxBefore>0) { if (isH) _this.wrapperLeft = params.offsetPxBefore; else _this.wrapperTop = params.offsetPxBefore; } if (params.offsetPxAfter>0) { if (isH) _this.wrapperRight = params.offsetPxAfter; else _this.wrapperBottom = params.offsetPxAfter; } if (params.centeredSlides) { if (isH) { _this.wrapperLeft = (containerSize - slideSize)/2; _this.wrapperRight = (containerSize - slideSize)/2; } else { _this.wrapperTop = (containerSize - slideSize)/2; _this.wrapperBottom = (containerSize - slideSize)/2; } } if (isH) { if (_this.wrapperLeft>0) = _this.wrapperLeft+'px'; if (_this.wrapperRight>0) = _this.wrapperRight+'px'; } else { if (_this.wrapperTop>0) = _this.wrapperTop+'px'; if (_this.wrapperBottom>0) = _this.wrapperBottom+'px'; } wrapperSize = isH ? wrapperWidth + _this.wrapperRight + _this.wrapperLeft : wrapperHeight + _this.wrapperTop + _this.wrapperBottom; if (!params.cssWidthAndHeight) { if (parseFloat(wrapperWidth) > 0) { = wrapperWidth+'px'; } if (parseFloat(wrapperHeight) > 0) { = wrapperHeight+'px'; } } var slideLeft = 0; _this.snapGrid = []; _this.slidesGrid = []; for (var i=0; i<_this.slides.length; i++) { _this.snapGrid.push(slideLeft); _this.slidesGrid.push(slideLeft); slideLeft+=slideSize; if (!params.cssWidthAndHeight) { if (parseFloat(slideWidth) > 0) { _this.slides[i].style.width = slideWidth+'px'; } if (parseFloat(slideHeight) > 0) { _this.slides[i].style.height = slideHeight+'px'; } } } } if (!_this.initialized) { _this.callPlugins('onFirstInit'); if (params.onFirstInit) _this.fireCallback(params.onFirstInit,_this); } else { _this.callPlugins('onInit'); if (params.onInit) _this.fireCallback(params.onInit,_this); } _this.initialized = true; } _this.reInit = function (forceCalcSlides) { _this.init(true, forceCalcSlides); } _this.resizeFix = function (reInit) { _this.callPlugins('beforeResizeFix'); _this.init(params.resizeReInit || reInit); // swipe to active slide in fixed mode if (!params.freeMode) { _this.swipeTo((params.loop ? _this.activeLoopIndex : _this.activeIndex), 0, false); // Fix autoplay if (params.autoplay) { if ( && typeof autoplayTimeoutId !== 'undefined') { if (typeof autoplayTimeoutId !== 'undefined') { clearTimeout(autoplayTimeoutId); autoplayTimeoutId = undefined; _this.startAutoplay(); } } else { if (typeof autoplayIntervalId !== 'undefined') { clearInterval(autoplayIntervalId) autoplayIntervalId = undefined; _this.startAutoplay(); } } } } // move wrapper to the beginning in free mode else if (_this.getWrapperTranslate() < -maxWrapperPosition()) { _this.setWrapperTransition(0); _this.setWrapperTranslate(-maxWrapperPosition()); } _this.callPlugins('afterResizeFix'); } /*========================================== Max and Min Positions ============================================*/ function maxWrapperPosition() { var a = (wrapperSize - containerSize); if (params.freeMode) { a = wrapperSize - containerSize; } // if (params.loop) a -= containerSize; if (params.slidesPerView > _this.slides.length) a = 0; if (a<0) a = 0; return a; } function minWrapperPosition() { var a = 0; // if (params.loop) a = containerSize; return a; } /*========================================== Event Listeners ============================================*/ function initEvents() { var bind = _this.h.addEventListener; var eventTarget = params.eventTarget=='wrapper' ? _this.wrapper : _this.container; //Touch Events if (! (_this.browser.ie10 || _this.browser.ie11) ) { if ( { bind(eventTarget, 'touchstart', onTouchStart); bind(eventTarget, 'touchmove', onTouchMove); bind(eventTarget, 'touchend', onTouchEnd); } if (params.simulateTouch) { bind(eventTarget, 'mousedown', onTouchStart); bind(document, 'mousemove', onTouchMove); bind(document, 'mouseup', onTouchEnd); } } else { bind(eventTarget, _this.touchEvents.touchStart, onTouchStart); bind(document, _this.touchEvents.touchMove, onTouchMove); bind(document, _this.touchEvents.touchEnd, onTouchEnd); } //Resize Event if (params.autoResize) { bind(window, 'resize', _this.resizeFix); } //Slide Events addSlideEvents(); //Mousewheel _this._wheelEvent = false; if (params.mousewheelControl) { if ( document.onmousewheel !== undefined ) { _this._wheelEvent = "mousewheel"; } try { WheelEvent("wheel"); _this._wheelEvent = "wheel"; } catch (e) {} if ( !_this._wheelEvent ) { _this._wheelEvent = "DOMMouseScroll"; } if (_this._wheelEvent) { bind(_this.container, _this._wheelEvent, handleMousewheel); } } //Keyboard if (params.keyboardControl) { bind(document, 'keydown', handleKeyboardKeys); } if (params.updateOnImagesReady) { _this.imagesToLoad = $$('img', _this.container); for (var i=0; i<_this.imagesToLoad.length; i++) { _loadImage(_this.imagesToLoad[i].getAttribute('src')) } } function _loadImage(src) { var image = new Image(); image.onload = function(){ _this.imagesLoaded++; if (_this.imagesLoaded==_this.imagesToLoad.length) { _this.reInit(); if (params.onImagesReady) _this.fireCallback(params.onImagesReady, _this); } } image.src = src; } } //Remove Event Listeners _this.destroy = function(){ var unbind = _this.h.removeEventListener; var eventTarget = params.eventTarget=='wrapper' ? _this.wrapper : _this.container; //Touch Events if (! (_this.browser.ie10 || _this.browser.ie11) ) { if ( { unbind(eventTarget, 'touchstart', onTouchStart); unbind(eventTarget, 'touchmove', onTouchMove); unbind(eventTarget, 'touchend', onTouchEnd); } if (params.simulateTouch) { unbind(eventTarget, 'mousedown', onTouchStart); unbind(document, 'mousemove', onTouchMove); unbind(document, 'mouseup', onTouchEnd); } } else { unbind(eventTarget, _this.touchEvents.touchStart, onTouchStart); unbind(document, _this.touchEvents.touchMove, onTouchMove); unbind(document, _this.touchEvents.touchEnd, onTouchEnd); } //Resize Event if (params.autoResize) { unbind(window, 'resize', _this.resizeFix); } //Init Slide Events removeSlideEvents(); //Pagination if (params.paginationClickable) { removePaginationEvents(); } //Mousewheel if (params.mousewheelControl && _this._wheelEvent) { unbind(_this.container, _this._wheelEvent, handleMousewheel); } //Keyboard if (params.keyboardControl) { unbind(document, 'keydown', handleKeyboardKeys); } //Stop autoplay if (params.autoplay) { _this.stopAutoplay(); } _this.callPlugins('onDestroy'); //Destroy variable _this = null; } function addSlideEvents() { var bind = _this.h.addEventListener, i; //Prevent Links Events if (params.preventLinks) { var links = $$('a', _this.container); for (i=0; i=scrollLeft && point[0]<=scrollLeft+windowWidth && point[1]>=scrollTop && point[1]<=scrollTop+windowHeight ) { inView = true; } } if (!inView) return; } if (isH) { if (kc==37 || kc==39) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; } if (kc == 39) _this.swipeNext(); if (kc == 37) _this.swipePrev(); } else { if (kc==38 || kc==40) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; } if (kc == 40) _this.swipeNext(); if (kc == 38) _this.swipePrev(); } } /*========================================== Mousewheel Control ============================================*/ var lastScrollTime = (new Date()).getTime(); function handleMousewheel (e) { var we = _this._wheelEvent; var delta = 0; //Opera & IE if (e.detail) delta = -e.detail; //WebKits else if (we == 'mousewheel') { if (params.mousewheelControlForceToAxis) { if (isH) { if (Math.abs(e.wheelDeltaX)>Math.abs(e.wheelDeltaY)) delta = e.wheelDeltaX; else return; } else { if (Math.abs(e.wheelDeltaY)>Math.abs(e.wheelDeltaX)) delta = e.wheelDeltaY; else return; } } else { delta = e.wheelDelta; } } //Old FireFox else if (we == 'DOMMouseScroll') delta = -e.detail; //New FireFox else if (we == 'wheel') { if (params.mousewheelControlForceToAxis) { if (isH) { if (Math.abs(e.deltaX)>Math.abs(e.deltaY)) delta = -e.deltaX; else return; } else { if (Math.abs(e.deltaY)>Math.abs(e.deltaX)) delta = -e.deltaY; else return; } } else { delta = Math.abs(e.deltaX)>Math.abs(e.deltaY) ? - e.deltaX : - e.deltaY; } } if (!params.freeMode) { if ((new Date()).getTime() - lastScrollTime > 60) { if(delta<0) _this.swipeNext(); else _this.swipePrev(); } lastScrollTime = (new Date()).getTime(); } else { //Freemode or scrollContainer: var position = _this.getWrapperTranslate() + delta; if (position > 0) position = 0; if (position < -maxWrapperPosition()) position = -maxWrapperPosition(); _this.setWrapperTransition(0); _this.setWrapperTranslate(position); _this.updateActiveSlide(position); // Return page scroll on edge positions if (position == 0 || position == -maxWrapperPosition()) return; } if (params.autoplay) _this.stopAutoplay(true); if(e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; return false; } /*========================= Grab Cursor ===========================*/ if (params.grabCursor) { var containerStyle =; containerStyle.cursor = 'move'; containerStyle.cursor = 'grab'; containerStyle.cursor = '-moz-grab'; containerStyle.cursor = '-webkit-grab'; } /*========================= Slides Events Handlers ===========================*/ _this.allowSlideClick = true; function slideClick(event) { if (_this.allowSlideClick) { setClickedSlide(event); _this.fireCallback(params.onSlideClick, _this, event); } } function slideTouch(event) { setClickedSlide(event); _this.fireCallback(params.onSlideTouch, _this, event); } function setClickedSlide(event) { // IE 6-8 support if (!event.currentTarget) { var element = event.srcElement; do { if (element.className.indexOf(params.slideClass) > -1) { break; } } while (element = element.parentNode); _this.clickedSlide = element; } else { _this.clickedSlide = event.currentTarget; } _this.clickedSlideIndex = _this.slides.indexOf(_this.clickedSlide); _this.clickedSlideLoopIndex = _this.clickedSlideIndex - (_this.loopedSlides || 0); } _this.allowLinks = true; function preventClick(e) { if (!_this.allowLinks) { if(e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; if (params.preventLinksPropagation && 'stopPropagation' in e) { e.stopPropagation(); } return false; } } function releaseForms(e) { if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); else e.returnValue = false; return false; } /*================================================== Event Handlers ====================================================*/ var isTouchEvent = false; var allowThresholdMove; var allowMomentumBounce = true; function onTouchStart(event) { if (params.preventLinks) _this.allowLinks = true; //Exit if slider is already was touched if (_this.isTouched || params.onlyExternal) { return false; } if (params.noSwiping && ( || event.srcElement) && noSwipingSlide( || event.srcElement)) return false; allowMomentumBounce = false; // Reset threshold thresholdFirstMove = false; //Check For Nested Swipers _this.isTouched = true; isTouchEvent = event.type=='touchstart'; if (!isTouchEvent || event.targetTouches.length == 1 ) { _this.callPlugins('onTouchStartBegin'); if(!isTouchEvent && !_this.isAndroid) { if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); else event.returnValue = false; } var pageX = isTouchEvent ? event.targetTouches[0].pageX : (event.pageX || event.clientX); var pageY = isTouchEvent ? event.targetTouches[0].pageY : (event.pageY || event.clientY); //Start Touches to check the scrolling _this.touches.startX = _this.touches.currentX = pageX; _this.touches.startY = _this.touches.currentY = pageY; _this.touches.start = _this.touches.current = isH ? pageX : pageY; //Set Transition Time to 0 _this.setWrapperTransition(0); //Get Start Translate Position _this.positions.start = _this.positions.current = _this.getWrapperTranslate(); //Set Transform _this.setWrapperTranslate(_this.positions.start); //TouchStartTime _this.times.start = (new Date()).getTime(); //Unset Scrolling isScrolling = undefined; //Set Treshold if (params.moveStartThreshold>0) { allowThresholdMove = false; } //CallBack if (params.onTouchStart) _this.fireCallback(params.onTouchStart, _this); _this.callPlugins('onTouchStartEnd'); } } var velocityPrevPosition, velocityPrevTime; function onTouchMove(event) { // If slider is not touched - exit if (!_this.isTouched || params.onlyExternal) return; if (isTouchEvent && event.type=='mousemove') return; var pageX = isTouchEvent ? event.targetTouches[0].pageX : (event.pageX || event.clientX); var pageY = isTouchEvent ? event.targetTouches[0].pageY : (event.pageY || event.clientY); //check for scrolling if ( typeof isScrolling === 'undefined' && isH) { isScrolling = !!( isScrolling || Math.abs(pageY - _this.touches.startY) > Math.abs( pageX - _this.touches.startX ) ); } if ( typeof isScrolling === 'undefined' && !isH) { isScrolling = !!( isScrolling || Math.abs(pageY - _this.touches.startY) < Math.abs( pageX - _this.touches.startX ) ); } if (isScrolling ) { _this.isTouched = false; return; } //Check For Nested Swipers if (event.assignedToSwiper) { _this.isTouched = false; return; } event.assignedToSwiper = true; //Block inner links if (params.preventLinks) { _this.allowLinks = false; } if (params.onSlideClick) { _this.allowSlideClick = false; } //Stop AutoPlay if exist if (params.autoplay) { _this.stopAutoplay(true); } if (!isTouchEvent || event.touches.length == 1) { //Moved Flag if (!_this.isMoved) { _this.callPlugins('onTouchMoveStart'); if (params.loop) { _this.fixLoop(); _this.positions.start = _this.getWrapperTranslate(); } if (params.onTouchMoveStart) _this.fireCallback(params.onTouchMoveStart, _this); } _this.isMoved = true; // cancel event if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); else event.returnValue = false; _this.touches.current = isH ? pageX : pageY ; _this.positions.current = (_this.touches.current - _this.touches.start) * params.touchRatio + _this.positions.start; //Resistance Callbacks if(_this.positions.current > 0 && params.onResistanceBefore) { _this.fireCallback(params.onResistanceBefore, _this, _this.positions.current); } if(_this.positions.current < -maxWrapperPosition() && params.onResistanceAfter) { _this.fireCallback(params.onResistanceAfter, _this, Math.abs(_this.positions.current + maxWrapperPosition())); } //Resistance if (params.resistance && params.resistance!='100%') { //Resistance for Negative-Back sliding if(_this.positions.current > 0) { var resistance = 1 - _this.positions.current/containerSize/2; if (resistance < 0.5) _this.positions.current = (containerSize/2); else _this.positions.current = _this.positions.current * resistance; } //Resistance for After-End Sliding if ( _this.positions.current < -maxWrapperPosition() ) { var diff = (_this.touches.current - _this.touches.start)*params.touchRatio + (maxWrapperPosition()+_this.positions.start); var resistance = (containerSize+diff)/(containerSize); var newPos = _this.positions.current-diff*(1-resistance)/2; var stopPos = -maxWrapperPosition() - containerSize/2; if (newPos < stopPos || resistance<=0) _this.positions.current = stopPos; else _this.positions.current = newPos; } } if (params.resistance && params.resistance=='100%') { //Resistance for Negative-Back sliding if(_this.positions.current > 0 && !(params.freeMode&&!params.freeModeFluid)) { _this.positions.current = 0; } //Resistance for After-End Sliding if ( (_this.positions.current) < -maxWrapperPosition() && !(params.freeMode&&!params.freeModeFluid)) { _this.positions.current = -maxWrapperPosition(); } } //Move Slides if (!params.followFinger) return; if (!params.moveStartThreshold) { _this.setWrapperTranslate(_this.positions.current); } else { if ( Math.abs(_this.touches.current - _this.touches.start)>params.moveStartThreshold || allowThresholdMove) { if (!allowThresholdMove) { allowThresholdMove = true; _this.touches.start = _this.touches.current; return } _this.setWrapperTranslate(_this.positions.current); } else { _this.positions.current = _this.positions.start; } } if (params.freeMode || params.watchActiveIndex) { _this.updateActiveSlide(_this.positions.current); } //Grab Cursor if (params.grabCursor) { = 'move'; = 'grabbing'; = '-moz-grabbin'; = '-webkit-grabbing'; } //Velocity if (!velocityPrevPosition) velocityPrevPosition = _this.touches.current; if (!velocityPrevTime) velocityPrevTime = (new Date).getTime(); _this.velocity = (_this.touches.current - velocityPrevPosition)/((new Date).getTime() - velocityPrevTime)/2; if (Math.abs(_this.touches.current - velocityPrevPosition)<2) _this.velocity=0; velocityPrevPosition = _this.touches.current; velocityPrevTime = (new Date).getTime(); //Callbacks _this.callPlugins('onTouchMoveEnd'); if (params.onTouchMove) _this.fireCallback(params.onTouchMove, _this); return false; } } function onTouchEnd(event) { //Check For scrolling if (isScrolling) { _this.swipeReset(); } // If slider is not touched exit if ( params.onlyExternal || !_this.isTouched ) return; _this.isTouched = false //Return Grab Cursor if (params.grabCursor) { = 'move'; = 'grab'; = '-moz-grab'; = '-webkit-grab'; } //Check for Current Position if (!_this.positions.current && _this.positions.current!==0) { _this.positions.current = _this.positions.start } //For case if slider touched but not moved if (params.followFinger) { _this.setWrapperTranslate(_this.positions.current); } // TouchEndTime _this.times.end = (new Date()).getTime(); //Difference _this.touches.diff = _this.touches.current - _this.touches.start _this.touches.abs = Math.abs(_this.touches.diff) _this.positions.diff = _this.positions.current - _this.positions.start _this.positions.abs = Math.abs(_this.positions.diff) var diff = _this.positions.diff ; var diffAbs =_this.positions.abs ; var timeDiff = _this.times.end - _this.times.start if(diffAbs < 5 && (timeDiff) < 300 && _this.allowLinks == false) { if (!params.freeMode && diffAbs!=0) _this.swipeReset() //Release inner links if (params.preventLinks) { _this.allowLinks = true; } if (params.onSlideClick) { _this.allowSlideClick = true; } } setTimeout(function () { //Release inner links if (params.preventLinks) { _this.allowLinks = true; } if (params.onSlideClick) { _this.allowSlideClick = true; } }, 100); var maxPosition = maxWrapperPosition(); //Not moved or Prevent Negative Back Sliding/After-End Sliding if (!_this.isMoved && params.freeMode) { _this.isMoved = false; if (params.onTouchEnd) _this.fireCallback(params.onTouchEnd, _this); _this.callPlugins('onTouchEnd'); return; } if (!_this.isMoved || _this.positions.current > 0 || _this.positions.current < -maxPosition) { _this.swipeReset(); if (params.onTouchEnd) _this.fireCallback(params.onTouchEnd, _this); _this.callPlugins('onTouchEnd'); return; } _this.isMoved = false; //Free Mode if (params.freeMode) { if ( params.freeModeFluid ) { var momentumDuration = 1000*params.momentumRatio; var momentumDistance = _this.velocity*momentumDuration; var newPosition = _this.positions.current + momentumDistance var doBounce = false; var afterBouncePosition; var bounceAmount = Math.abs( _this.velocity )*20*params.momentumBounceRatio; if (newPosition < -maxPosition) { if (params.momentumBounce && { if (newPosition + maxPosition < -bounceAmount) newPosition = -maxPosition-bounceAmount; afterBouncePosition = -maxPosition; doBounce=true; allowMomentumBounce = true; } else newPosition = -maxPosition; } if (newPosition > 0) { if (params.momentumBounce && { if (newPosition>bounceAmount) newPosition = bounceAmount; afterBouncePosition = 0 doBounce = true; allowMomentumBounce = true; } else newPosition = 0; } //Fix duration if (_this.velocity!=0) momentumDuration = Math.abs((newPosition - _this.positions.current)/_this.velocity) _this.setWrapperTranslate(newPosition); _this.setWrapperTransition( momentumDuration ); if (params.momentumBounce && doBounce) { _this.wrapperTransitionEnd(function () { if (!allowMomentumBounce) return; if (params.onMomentumBounce) _this.fireCallback(params.onMomentumBounce, _this); _this.callPlugins('onMomentumBounce'); _this.setWrapperTranslate(afterBouncePosition); _this.setWrapperTransition(300); }) } _this.updateActiveSlide(newPosition) } if (!params.freeModeFluid || timeDiff >= 300) _this.updateActiveSlide(_this.positions.current) if (params.onTouchEnd) _this.fireCallback(params.onTouchEnd, _this); _this.callPlugins('onTouchEnd'); return; } //Direction direction = diff < 0 ? "toNext" : "toPrev" //Short Touches if (direction=="toNext" && ( timeDiff <= 300 ) ) { if (diffAbs < 30 || !params.shortSwipes) _this.swipeReset() else _this.swipeNext(true); } if (direction=="toPrev" && ( timeDiff <= 300 ) ) { if (diffAbs < 30 || !params.shortSwipes) _this.swipeReset() else _this.swipePrev(true); } //Long Touches var targetSlideSize = 0; if(params.slidesPerView == 'auto') { //Define current slide's width var currentPosition = Math.abs(_this.getWrapperTranslate()); var slidesOffset = 0; var _slideSize; for (var i=0; i<_this.slides.length; i++) { _slideSize = isH ? _this.slides[i].getWidth(true) : _this.slides[i].getHeight(true); slidesOffset+= _slideSize; if (slidesOffset>currentPosition) { targetSlideSize = _slideSize; break; } } if (targetSlideSize>containerSize) targetSlideSize = containerSize; } else { targetSlideSize = slideSize * params.slidesPerView; } if (direction=="toNext" && ( timeDiff > 300 ) ) { if (diffAbs >= targetSlideSize*params.longSwipesRatio) { _this.swipeNext(true) } else { _this.swipeReset() } } if (direction=="toPrev" && ( timeDiff > 300 ) ) { if (diffAbs >= targetSlideSize*params.longSwipesRatio) { _this.swipePrev(true); } else { _this.swipeReset() } } if (params.onTouchEnd) _this.fireCallback(params.onTouchEnd, _this); _this.callPlugins('onTouchEnd'); } /*================================================== noSwiping Bubble Check by Isaac Strack ====================================================*/ function noSwipingSlide(el){ /*This function is specifically designed to check the parent elements for the noSwiping class, up to the wrapper. We need to check parents because while onTouchStart bubbles, _this.isTouched is checked in onTouchStart, which stops the bubbling. So, if a text box, for example, is the initial target, and the parent slide container has the noSwiping class, the _this.isTouched check will never find it, and what was supposed to be noSwiping is able to be swiped. This function will iterate up and check for the noSwiping class in parents, up through the wrapperClass.*/ // First we create a truthy variable, which is that swiping is allowd (noSwiping = false) var noSwiping = false; // Now we iterate up (parentElements) until we reach the node with the wrapperClass. do{ // Each time, we check to see if there's a 'swiper-no-swiping' class (noSwipingClass). if (el.className.indexOf(params.noSwipingClass)>-1) { noSwiping = true; // If there is, we set noSwiping = true; } el = el.parentElement; // now we iterate up (parent node) } while(!noSwiping && el.parentElement && el.className.indexOf(params.wrapperClass)==-1); // also include el.parentElement truthy, just in case. // because we didn't check the wrapper itself, we do so now, if noSwiping is false: if (!noSwiping && el.className.indexOf(params.wrapperClass)>-1 && el.className.indexOf(params.noSwipingClass)>-1) noSwiping = true; // if the wrapper has the noSwipingClass, we set noSwiping = true; return noSwiping; } function addClassToHtmlString(klass, outerHtml) { var par = document.createElement('div'); var child; par.innerHTML = outerHtml; child = par.firstChild; child.className += ' '+ klass; return child.outerHTML; } /*================================================== Swipe Functions ====================================================*/ _this.swipeNext = function(internal){ if (!internal && params.loop) _this.fixLoop(); if (!internal && params.autoplay) _this.stopAutoplay(true); _this.callPlugins('onSwipeNext'); var currentPosition = _this.getWrapperTranslate(); var newPosition = currentPosition; if (params.slidesPerView=='auto') { for (var i=0; i<_this.snapGrid.length; i++) { if (-currentPosition >= _this.snapGrid[i] && -currentPosition<_this.snapGrid[i+1]) { newPosition = -_this.snapGrid[i+1] break; } } } else { var groupSize = slideSize * params.slidesPerGroup; newPosition = -(Math.floor(Math.abs(currentPosition)/Math.floor(groupSize))*groupSize + groupSize); } if (newPosition < - maxWrapperPosition()) { newPosition = - maxWrapperPosition() }; if (newPosition == currentPosition) return false; swipeToPosition(newPosition, 'next'); return true } _this.swipePrev = function(internal){ if (!internal && params.loop) _this.fixLoop(); if (!internal && params.autoplay) _this.stopAutoplay(true); _this.callPlugins('onSwipePrev'); var currentPosition = Math.ceil(_this.getWrapperTranslate()); var newPosition; if (params.slidesPerView=='auto') { newPosition = 0; for (var i=1; i<_this.snapGrid.length; i++) { if (-currentPosition == _this.snapGrid[i]) { newPosition = -_this.snapGrid[i-1] break; } if (-currentPosition > _this.snapGrid[i] && -currentPosition<_this.snapGrid[i+1]) { newPosition = -_this.snapGrid[i] break; } } } else { var groupSize = slideSize * params.slidesPerGroup; newPosition = -(Math.ceil(-currentPosition/groupSize)-1)*groupSize; } if (newPosition > 0) newPosition = 0; if (newPosition == currentPosition) return false; swipeToPosition(newPosition, 'prev'); return true; } _this.swipeReset = function(){ _this.callPlugins('onSwipeReset'); var currentPosition = _this.getWrapperTranslate(); var groupSize = slideSize * params.slidesPerGroup; var newPosition; var maxPosition = -maxWrapperPosition(); if (params.slidesPerView=='auto') { newPosition = 0; for (var i=0; i<_this.snapGrid.length; i++) { if (-currentPosition===_this.snapGrid[i]) return; if (-currentPosition >= _this.snapGrid[i] && -currentPosition<_this.snapGrid[i+1]) { if(_this.positions.diff>0) newPosition = -_this.snapGrid[i+1] else newPosition = -_this.snapGrid[i] break; } } if (-currentPosition >= _this.snapGrid[_this.snapGrid.length-1]) newPosition = -_this.snapGrid[_this.snapGrid.length-1]; if (currentPosition <= -maxWrapperPosition()) newPosition = -maxWrapperPosition() } else { newPosition = currentPosition<0 ? Math.round(currentPosition/groupSize)*groupSize : 0 } if (params.scrollContainer) { newPosition = currentPosition<0 ? currentPosition : 0; } if (newPosition < -maxWrapperPosition()) { newPosition = -maxWrapperPosition() } if (params.scrollContainer && (containerSize>slideSize)) { newPosition = 0; } if (newPosition == currentPosition) return false; swipeToPosition(newPosition, 'reset'); return true; } _this.swipeTo = function(index, speed, runCallbacks) { index = parseInt(index, 10); _this.callPlugins('onSwipeTo', {index:index, speed:speed}); if (params.loop) index = index + _this.loopedSlides; var currentPosition = _this.getWrapperTranslate(); if (index > (_this.slides.length-1) || index < 0) return; var newPosition if (params.slidesPerView=='auto') { newPosition = -_this.slidesGrid[ index ]; } else { newPosition = -index*slideSize; } if (newPosition < - maxWrapperPosition()) { newPosition = - maxWrapperPosition(); }; if (newPosition == currentPosition) return false; runCallbacks = runCallbacks===false ? false : true; swipeToPosition(newPosition, 'to', {index:index, speed:speed, runCallbacks:runCallbacks}); return true; } function swipeToPosition(newPosition, action, toOptions) { var speed = (action=='to' && toOptions.speed >= 0) ? toOptions.speed : params.speed; var timeOld = + new Date(); if ( || !params.DOMAnimation) { _this.setWrapperTranslate(newPosition); _this.setWrapperTransition(speed); } else { //Try the DOM animation var currentPosition = _this.getWrapperTranslate(); var animationStep = Math.ceil( (newPosition - currentPosition)/speed*(1000/60) ); var direction = currentPosition > newPosition ? 'toNext' : 'toPrev'; var condition = direction=='toNext' ? currentPosition > newPosition : currentPosition < newPosition; if (_this._DOMAnimating) return; anim(); } function anim(){ var timeNew = + new Date(); var time = timeNew - timeOld; currentPosition += animationStep * time / (1000/60); condition = direction=='toNext' ? currentPosition > newPosition : currentPosition < newPosition; if (condition) { _this.setWrapperTranslate(Math.round(currentPosition)); _this._DOMAnimating = true window.setTimeout(function(){ anim() }, 1000 / 60) } else { if (params.onSlideChangeEnd) _this.fireCallback(params.onSlideChangeEnd, _this); _this.setWrapperTranslate(newPosition); _this._DOMAnimating = false; } } //Update Active Slide Index _this.updateActiveSlide(newPosition); //Callbacks if (params.onSlideNext && action=='next') { _this.fireCallback(params.onSlideNext, _this, newPosition); } if (params.onSlidePrev && action=='prev') { _this.fireCallback(params.onSlidePrev, _this, newPosition); } //"Reset" Callback if (params.onSlideReset && action=='reset') { _this.fireCallback(params.onSlideReset, _this, newPosition); } //"Next", "Prev" and "To" Callbacks if (action=='next' || action=='prev' || (action=='to' && toOptions.runCallbacks==true)) slideChangeCallbacks(action); } /*================================================== Transition Callbacks ====================================================*/ //Prevent Multiple Callbacks _this._queueStartCallbacks = false; _this._queueEndCallbacks = false; function slideChangeCallbacks(direction) { //Transition Start Callback _this.callPlugins('onSlideChangeStart'); if (params.onSlideChangeStart) { if (params.queueStartCallbacks && { if (_this._queueStartCallbacks) return; _this._queueStartCallbacks = true; _this.fireCallback(params.onSlideChangeStart, _this, direction) _this.wrapperTransitionEnd(function(){ _this._queueStartCallbacks = false; }) } else _this.fireCallback(params.onSlideChangeStart, _this, direction) } //Transition End Callback if (params.onSlideChangeEnd) { if ( { if (params.queueEndCallbacks) { if (_this._queueEndCallbacks) return; _this._queueEndCallbacks = true; _this.wrapperTransitionEnd(function(swiper){_this.fireCallback(params.onSlideChangeEnd, swiper, direction)}) } else _this.wrapperTransitionEnd(function(swiper){_this.fireCallback(params.onSlideChangeEnd, swiper, direction)}) } else { if (!params.DOMAnimation) { setTimeout(function(){ _this.fireCallback(params.onSlideChangeEnd, _this, direction) },10) } } } } /*================================================== Update Active Slide Index ====================================================*/ _this.updateActiveSlide = function(position) { if (!_this.initialized) return; if (_this.slides.length==0) return; _this.previousIndex = _this.activeIndex; if (typeof position=='undefined') position = _this.getWrapperTranslate(); if (position>0) position=0; if (params.slidesPerView == 'auto') { var slidesOffset = 0; _this.activeIndex = _this.slidesGrid.indexOf(-position); if (_this.activeIndex<0) { for (var i=0; i<_this.slidesGrid.length-1; i++) { if (-position>_this.slidesGrid[i] && -position<_this.slidesGrid[i+1]) { break; } } var leftDistance = Math.abs( _this.slidesGrid[i] + position ) var rightDistance = Math.abs( _this.slidesGrid[i+1] + position ) if (leftDistance<=rightDistance) _this.activeIndex = i; else _this.activeIndex = i+1; } } else { _this.activeIndex = Math[params.visibilityFullFit ? 'ceil' : 'round']( -position/slideSize ); } if (_this.activeIndex == _this.slides.length ) _this.activeIndex = _this.slides.length - 1; if (_this.activeIndex < 0) _this.activeIndex = 0; // Check for slide if (!_this.slides[_this.activeIndex]) return; // Calc Visible slides _this.calcVisibleSlides(position); // Mark visible and active slides with additonal classes var activeClassRegexp = new RegExp( "\\s*" + params.slideActiveClass ); var inViewClassRegexp = new RegExp( "\\s*" + params.slideVisibleClass ); for (var i = 0; i < _this.slides.length; i++) { _this.slides[ i ].className = _this.slides[ i ].className.replace( activeClassRegexp, '' ).replace( inViewClassRegexp, '' ); if ( _this.visibleSlides.indexOf( _this.slides[ i ] )>=0 ) { _this.slides[ i ].className += ' ' + params.slideVisibleClass; } } _this.slides[ _this.activeIndex ].className += ' ' + params.slideActiveClass; //Update loop index if (params.loop) { var ls = _this.loopedSlides; _this.activeLoopIndex = _this.activeIndex - ls; if (_this.activeLoopIndex >= _this.slides.length - ls*2 ) { _this.activeLoopIndex = _this.slides.length - ls*2 - _this.activeLoopIndex; } if (_this.activeLoopIndex<0) { _this.activeLoopIndex = _this.slides.length - ls*2 + _this.activeLoopIndex; } if (_this.activeLoopIndex<0) _this.activeLoopIndex = 0; } else { _this.activeLoopIndex = _this.activeIndex; } //Update Pagination if (params.pagination) { _this.updatePagination(position); } } /*================================================== Pagination ====================================================*/ _this.createPagination = function (firstInit) { if (params.paginationClickable && _this.paginationButtons) { removePaginationEvents(); } _this.paginationContainer = params.pagination.nodeType ? params.pagination : $$(params.pagination)[0]; if (params.createPagination) { var paginationHTML = ""; var numOfSlides = _this.slides.length; var numOfButtons = numOfSlides; if (params.loop) numOfButtons -= _this.loopedSlides*2 for (var i = 0; i < numOfButtons; i++) { paginationHTML += '<'+params.paginationElement+' class="'+params.paginationElementClass+'">' } _this.paginationContainer.innerHTML = paginationHTML; } _this.paginationButtons = $$('.'+params.paginationElementClass, _this.paginationContainer); if (!firstInit) _this.updatePagination() _this.callPlugins('onCreatePagination'); if (params.paginationClickable) { addPaginationEvents(); } } function removePaginationEvents() { var pagers = _this.paginationButtons; for (var i=0; i=_this.slides.length-_this.loopedSlides*2) { visIndex = _this.slides.length - _this.loopedSlides*2 - visIndex; visIndex = Math.abs(visIndex) } visibleIndexes.push( visIndex ) } for (i=0; i0) position = position+_this.wrapperLeft; if (!isH && _this.wrapperTop>0) position = position+_this.wrapperTop; for (var i=0; i<_this.slides.length; i++) { _slideLeft += _slideSize; if (params.slidesPerView == 'auto') _slideSize = isH ? _this.h.getWidth(_this.slides[i],true) : _this.h.getHeight(_this.slides[i],true); else _slideSize = slideSize; _slideRight = _slideLeft + _slideSize; var isVisibile = false; if (params.visibilityFullFit) { if (_slideLeft >= -position && _slideRight <= -position+containerSize) isVisibile = true; if (_slideLeft <= -position && _slideRight >= -position+containerSize) isVisibile = true; } else { if (_slideRight > -position && _slideRight <= ((-position+containerSize))) isVisibile = true; if (_slideLeft >= -position && _slideLeft < ((-position+containerSize))) isVisibile = true; if (_slideLeft < -position && _slideRight > ((-position+containerSize))) isVisibile = true; } if (isVisibile) visibleSlides.push(_this.slides[i]) } if (visibleSlides.length==0) visibleSlides = [ _this.slides[ _this.activeIndex ] ] _this.visibleSlides = visibleSlides; } /*========================================== Autoplay ============================================*/ var autoplayTimeoutId = undefined; var autoplayIntervalId = undefined; _this.startAutoplay = function () { if ( { if (typeof autoplayTimeoutId !== 'undefined') return false; if (!params.autoplay) return; _this.callPlugins('onAutoplayStart'); autoplay(); } else { if (typeof autoplayIntervalId !== 'undefined') return false; if (!params.autoplay) return; _this.callPlugins('onAutoplayStart'); autoplayIntervalId = setInterval(function(){ if (params.loop) { _this.fixLoop(); _this.swipeNext(true); } else if (!_this.swipeNext(true)) { if (!params.autoplayStopOnLast) _this.swipeTo(0); else { clearInterval(autoplayIntervalId); autoplayIntervalId = undefined; } } }, params.autoplay) } } _this.stopAutoplay = function (internal) { if ( { if (!autoplayTimeoutId) return; if (autoplayTimeoutId) clearTimeout(autoplayTimeoutId); autoplayTimeoutId = undefined; if (internal && !params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction) { _this.wrapperTransitionEnd(function(){ autoplay(); }) } _this.callPlugins('onAutoplayStop'); } else { if (autoplayIntervalId) clearInterval(autoplayIntervalId); autoplayIntervalId = undefined; _this.callPlugins('onAutoplayStop'); } } function autoplay(){ autoplayTimeoutId = setTimeout(function(){ if(params.loop) { _this.fixLoop(); _this.swipeNext(true); } else if (!_this.swipeNext(true)) { if (!params.autoplayStopOnLast) _this.swipeTo(0); else { clearTimeout(autoplayTimeoutId); autoplayTimeoutId = undefined; } } _this.wrapperTransitionEnd(function(){ if (typeof autoplayTimeoutId !== 'undefined') autoplay(); }) },params.autoplay) } /*================================================== Loop ====================================================*/ _this.loopCreated = false; _this.removeLoopedSlides = function(){ if (_this.loopCreated) { for (var i=0; i<_this.slides.length; i++) { if (_this.slides[i].getData('looped')===true) _this.wrapper.removeChild(_this.slides[i]); } } } _this.createLoop = function() { if (_this.slides.length==0) return; if (params.slidesPerView=='auto') { _this.loopedSlides = params.loopedSlides||1; } else { _this.loopedSlides = params.slidesPerView + params.loopAdditionalSlides; } if (_this.loopedSlides > _this.slides.length) { _this.loopedSlides = _this.slides.length; } var slideFirstHTML = '', slideLastHTML = '', i; var slidesSetFullHTML = ''; /** loopedSlides is too large if loopAdditionalSlides are set. Need to divide the slides by maximum number of slides existing. @author Tomaz Lovrec */ var numSlides = _this.slides.length; var fullSlideSets = Math.floor(_this.loopedSlides / numSlides); var remainderSlides = _this.loopedSlides % numSlides; // assemble full sets of slides for (i = 0; i<(fullSlideSets*numSlides);i++) { var j = i; if (i >= numSlides) { var over = Math.floor(i / numSlides); j = i - (numSlides * over); } slidesSetFullHTML+=_this.slides[j].outerHTML; } // assemble remainder slides // assemble remainder appended to existing slides for(i = 0;i=_this.slides.length-_this.loopedSlides) _this.slides[i].setData('looped', true); } _this.callPlugins('onCreateLoop'); } _this.fixLoop = function() { var newIndex; //Fix For Negative Oversliding if (_this.activeIndex < _this.loopedSlides) { newIndex = _this.slides.length - _this.loopedSlides*3 + _this.activeIndex; _this.swipeTo(newIndex, 0, false); } //Fix For Positive Oversliding else if ((params.slidesPerView == "auto" && _this.activeIndex >= _this.loopedSlides*2) || (_this.activeIndex > _this.slides.length - params.slidesPerView*2)) { newIndex = -_this.slides.length + _this.activeIndex + _this.loopedSlides; _this.swipeTo(newIndex, 0, false); } } /*================================================== Slides Loader ====================================================*/ _this.loadSlides = function(){ var slidesHTML = ''; _this.activeLoaderIndex = 0; var slides = params.loader.slides; var slidesToLoad = params.loader.loadAllSlides ? slides.length : params.slidesPerView*(1+params.loader.surroundGroups); for (var i=0; i< slidesToLoad; i++) { if (params.loader.slidesHTMLType=='outer') slidesHTML+=slides[i]; else { slidesHTML+='<'+params.slideElement+' class="'+params.slideClass+'" data-swiperindex="'+i+'">'+slides[i]+''; } } _this.wrapper.innerHTML = slidesHTML; _this.calcSlides(true); //Add permanent transitionEnd callback if (!params.loader.loadAllSlides) { _this.wrapperTransitionEnd(_this.reloadSlides, true); } } _this.reloadSlides = function(){ var slides = params.loader.slides; var newActiveIndex = parseInt(_this.activeSlide().data('swiperindex'),10) if (newActiveIndex<0 || newActiveIndex>slides.length-1) return //<-- Exit _this.activeLoaderIndex = newActiveIndex; var firstIndex = Math.max(0, newActiveIndex - params.slidesPerView*params.loader.surroundGroups) var lastIndex = Math.min(newActiveIndex+params.slidesPerView*(1+params.loader.surroundGroups)-1, slides.length-1) //Update Transforms if (newActiveIndex>0) { var newTransform = -slideSize*(newActiveIndex-firstIndex) _this.setWrapperTranslate(newTransform); _this.setWrapperTransition(0); } //New Slides if (params.loader.logic==='reload') { _this.wrapper.innerHTML = ''; var slidesHTML = ''; for (var i = firstIndex; i<=lastIndex; i++) { slidesHTML += params.loader.slidesHTMLType == 'outer' ? slides[i] : '<'+params.slideElement+' class="'+params.slideClass+'" data-swiperindex="'+i+'">'+slides[i]+''; } _this.wrapper.innerHTML = slidesHTML; } else { var minExistIndex=1000; var maxExistIndex=0; for (var i=0; i<_this.slides.length; i++) { var index = _this.slides[i].data('swiperindex'); if (indexlastIndex) { _this.wrapper.removeChild(_this.slides[i]); } else { minExistIndex = Math.min(index, minExistIndex) maxExistIndex = Math.max(index, maxExistIndex) } } for (var i=firstIndex; i<=lastIndex; i++) { if (imaxExistIndex) { var newSlide = document.createElement(params.slideElement); newSlide.className = params.slideClass; newSlide.setAttribute('data-swiperindex',i); newSlide.innerHTML = slides[i]; _this.wrapper.appendChild(newSlide); } } } //reInit _this.reInit(true); } /*================================================== Make Swiper ====================================================*/ function makeSwiper(){ _this.calcSlides(); if (params.loader.slides.length>0 && _this.slides.length==0) { _this.loadSlides(); } if (params.loop) { _this.createLoop(); } _this.init(); initEvents(); if (params.pagination) { _this.createPagination(true); } if (params.loop || params.initialSlide>0) { _this.swipeTo( params.initialSlide, 0, false ); } else { _this.updateActiveSlide(0); } if (params.autoplay) { _this.startAutoplay(); } /** * Set center slide index. * * @author Tomaz Lovrec */ _this.centerIndex = _this.activeIndex; // Callbacks if (params.onSwiperCreated) _this.fireCallback(params.onSwiperCreated, _this); _this.callPlugins('onSwiperCreated'); } makeSwiper(); } Swiper.prototype = { plugins : {}, /*================================================== Wrapper Operations ====================================================*/ wrapperTransitionEnd : function(callback, permanent) { var a = this, el = a.wrapper, events = ['webkitTransitionEnd', 'transitionend', 'oTransitionEnd', 'MSTransitionEnd', 'msTransitionEnd'], i; function fireCallBack() { callback(a); if (a.params.queueEndCallbacks) a._queueEndCallbacks = false; if (!permanent) { for (i=0; i0) { returnWidth = el.offsetWidth - parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('padding-left')) - parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('padding-right')); } if (outer) returnWidth += parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('padding-left')) + parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('padding-right')) return returnWidth; }, getHeight: function(el, outer) { if (outer) return el.offsetHeight; var height = window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('height') var returnHeight = parseFloat(height); //IE Fixes if(isNaN(returnHeight) || height.indexOf('%')>0) { returnHeight = el.offsetHeight - parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('padding-top')) - parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('padding-bottom')); } if (outer) returnHeight += parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('padding-top')) + parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('padding-bottom')) return returnHeight; }, getOffset: function(el) { var box = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var body = document.body; var clientTop = el.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0; var clientLeft = el.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0; var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || el.scrollTop; var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || el.scrollLeft; if (document.documentElement && !window.pageYOffset) { //IE7-8 scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop; scrollLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } return { top: + scrollTop - clientTop, left: box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft }; }, windowWidth : function() { if (window.innerWidth) return window.innerWidth else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) return document.documentElement.clientWidth; }, windowHeight : function() { if (window.innerHeight) return window.innerHeight else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) return document.documentElement.clientHeight; }, windowScroll : function() { var left=0, top=0; if (typeof pageYOffset != 'undefined') { return { left: window.pageXOffset, top: window.pageYOffset } } else if (document.documentElement) { return { left: document.documentElement.scrollLeft, top: document.documentElement.scrollTop } } }, addEventListener : function (el, event, listener, useCapture) { if (typeof useCapture == 'undefined') { useCapture = false; } if (el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(event, listener, useCapture); } else if (el.attachEvent) { el.attachEvent('on' + event, listener); } }, removeEventListener : function (el, event, listener, useCapture) { if (typeof useCapture == 'undefined') { useCapture = false; } if (el.removeEventListener) { el.removeEventListener(event, listener, useCapture); } else if (el.detachEvent) { el.detachEvent('on' + event, listener); } } }, setTransform : function (el, transform) { var es = es.webkitTransform = es.MsTransform = es.msTransform = es.MozTransform = es.OTransform = es.transform = transform }, setTranslate : function (el, translate) { var es = var pos = { x : translate.x || 0, y : translate.y || 0, z : translate.z || 0 }; var transformString = ? 'translate3d('+(pos.x)+'px,'+(pos.y)+'px,'+(pos.z)+'px)' : 'translate('+(pos.x)+'px,'+(pos.y)+'px)'; es.webkitTransform = es.MsTransform = es.msTransform = es.MozTransform = es.OTransform = es.transform = transformString; if (! { es.left = pos.x+'px' = pos.y+'px' } }, setTransition : function (el, duration) { var es = es.webkitTransitionDuration = es.MsTransitionDuration = es.msTransitionDuration = es.MozTransitionDuration = es.OTransitionDuration = es.transitionDuration = duration+'ms'; }, /*================================================== Feature Detection ====================================================*/ support: { touch : (window.Modernizr && Modernizr.touch===true) || (function() { return !!(("ontouchstart" in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch); })(), transforms3d : (window.Modernizr && Modernizr.csstransforms3d===true) || (function() { var div = document.createElement('div').style; return ("webkitPerspective" in div || "MozPerspective" in div || "OPerspective" in div || "MsPerspective" in div || "perspective" in div); })(), transforms : (window.Modernizr && Modernizr.csstransforms===true) || (function(){ var div = document.createElement('div').style; return ('transform' in div || 'WebkitTransform' in div || 'MozTransform' in div || 'msTransform' in div || 'MsTransform' in div || 'OTransform' in div); })(), transitions : (window.Modernizr && Modernizr.csstransitions===true) || (function(){ var div = document.createElement('div').style; return ('transition' in div || 'WebkitTransition' in div || 'MozTransition' in div || 'msTransition' in div || 'MsTransition' in div || 'OTransition' in div); })() }, browser : { ie8 : (function(){ var rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure. if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) rv = parseFloat(RegExp.$1); } return rv != -1 && rv < 9; })(), ie10 : window.navigator.msPointerEnabled, ie11 : window.navigator.pointerEnabled } } /*========================= jQuery & Zepto Plugins ===========================*/ if (window.jQuery||window.Zepto) { (function($){ $.fn.swiper = function(params) { var s = new Swiper($(this)[0], params) $(this).data('swiper',s); return s; } })(window.jQuery||window.Zepto) } // component if ( typeof( module ) !== 'undefined' ) { module.exports = Swiper; }